Wednesday, June 1, 2011

It's been a while... Sorry about that.

Let's see, first things first.  My observations of the weather/climate.

We have some beautiful mountains directly south of us here in Bishkek.  The highest point in this part of the larger range (Tien Shan Mountains) reaches to a bit more than 16,000 feet.  There are serious glaciers in this swack of mountains.  That being said, we took the secondary students to Ala Archa gorge (about 7,200 feet, which is the same as Donner Summit) on April 18th and found only a small patch of snow left from the winter.  This amazed me.

Here's the view from our apartment on April 20th.

And here's the same view on May 3rd (14 days later).

Where did all the snow go!!??!!  I guess I remain accustomed to a much more maritime climate.  More to come, on different topics, soon...

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